Monday, January 27, 2020

Potential Appraisal for Career Development

Potential Appraisal for Career Development Go to the library or search on internet and gather the information on following topics: Potential Appraisal Career Development Analyze the relationship between them, and explain how potential appraisal help employee in career development. Summarize all the points in writing and also prepare for group discussion in the class. The potential appraisal refers to the evaluation i.e. understanding of the hidden talents and skills of a person. The individual might or might not be aware of them. Potential appraisal is a future oriented appraisal whose main goal is to identify and evaluate the potential of the employees to achieve higher positions and responsibilities in the organizational hierarchy. On the other words, Potential appraisal helps to determine what can happen in the future so that it can be guided and directed towards the performance of individual and organizational development and goals. Therefore, many organizations assess and manage potential appraisal as a part of the performance appraisal processes. Moreover, the role of potential appraisal is to determine the potential of a given workers to occupy higher positions in the organizational hierarchy plus handle higher responsibilities. Potential appraisals are required to: Inform employees about their future prospects; Help the company check out of a appropriate succession plan; Update training efforts from time to time; Advisee employees about what they must learn to develop their career prospects. Potential appraisal can perform the following purposes: To advise employees about their overall career development and future prospects Help the company to chalk out succession plans Motivate the employees to further enhance their skills and competencies. To identify the training needs. Techniques of potential appraisal: Self appraisals Peer appraisals Superior appraisals Psychological and psychometric tests Management games like role playing Leadership exercises etc. Introducing a enormous Potential Appraisal System The following are some of the steps needed to be followed at the time introducing a potential appraisal system: Role Descriptions: Organizational functions along with functions should be defined simply. To this end, job descriptions should be prepared for each job. Qualities required completing the functions: Based on job descriptions, the functions to be played via individuals must be prepared (i.e., technical, managerial jobs as well as behavioral dimensions). Rating mechanisms: Besides listing the functions along with qualities, the potential appraisal process must provide mechanisms of judging the qualities of staffs as: Rating through others: The potential of a candidate might be rated by the current employer who is acquainted with the candidates work earlier, just his technical abilities. Tests: Managerial as well as behavioral dimensions can be measured via a battery of psychological tests. Games: Simulation games in addition to exercises (assessment centre, besides business games, in-basket, along with role play, etc.) could be used to display the potential of a nominated staff. Records: Performance records along with ratings of a nominated staff for his earlier jobs could be examined carefully on various dimensions such as motivation, creativity, besides risk taking ability, etc., which may play a vital concern in discharging his responsibilities in a new job. Organizing the system: After completing the earlier preliminaries, he should set up a way that will allow the introduction of the time quietly giving answers to specific puzzling questions: How much load time to assist in conditions of seniority in promotions? How much weight age to each of the performance dimensions; such as technical, besides managerial, in addition to behavioral qualities? What would be the mechanisms of assessing the body on different indicators of his potential and via what reliability? Feedback: The system should provide an option for every employee to see the works of his assessment. He might be assisted to understand the qualities most needed for performing the purpose for which he thinks he gets the potential, the mechanisms utilized through the companies to evaluate his potential along with the results of such an appraisal.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Characteristics of Adolescents Essay

Intellectual, moral, physical, emotional, and psychological development of Middle School students. Middle Schoolers undergo profound changes during their adolescent years, and unlike infancy, they are witnesses to these changes. Complicating things further is the fact that these changes do not occur at the same rate in each individual. While all adolescents do not share these characteristics, it is safe to say that many do. Understanding that these characteristics are developmentally â€Å"normal† is helpful. At the same time, while these changes are necessary and natural, they present challenges to parents, teachers, and Middle Schoolers themselves. Intellectual Development * Display a wide range of intellectual development. * Are in transition from concrete to abstract thinking. * Are intensely curious and dabble in a wide range of pursuits, few of which are sustained. * Prefer active over passive learning activities. * Prefer interaction with peers during learning activities. * Respond positively to opportunities to participate in real life situations. * Are often preoccupied with self. * Have a strong need for approval and may be easily discouraged. * Develop an increased understanding of personal abilities. * Are inquisitive about adults, often challenging their authority, and always observing them. * May show disinterest in conventional academic subjects but are intellectually curious about the world and themselves. * Are developing a capacity to understand high level or sophisticated humor. Moral Development * Often show compassion for those who are downtrodden or suffering and have a special concern for animals and environmental problems. * Are moving from acceptance of adult moral judgments to development of their own personal values. (Nevertheless, they tend to embrace values consistent with those of their parents.) * Are capable of and value direct experience in participatory democracy. * Greatly need and are influenced by adult role models who will listen to them and affirm their moral consciousness and actions as being trustworthy role models. * Are increasingly aware of and concerned about inconsistencies between values exhibited by adults and the conditions they see in society. Physical Development * Experience rapid, irregular growth. * Undergo body changes that might cause awkward, uncoordinated movements. * Have varying maturity rates, with girls tending to mature one-and-a-half to two years earlier than boys. * May be at a disadvantage because of the varied rates of maturity that require the understanding of caring adults. * Experience restlessness and fatigue due to hormonal changes. * Need daily physical activity because of increased energy. * Develop sexual awareness that increases as secondary sex characteristics appear. * Are concerned with body changes that accompany sexual maturation and changes resulting in an increase in nose size, protruding ears, long arms, and awkward posture. * Prefer junk food but need good nutrition. * Often lack physical fitness, with poor levels of endurance, strength, and flexibility. * Are physically vulnerable because they may adopt poor health habits or engage in risky experimentation with drugs and sex. Emotional and Psychological Development * Experience mood swings often with peaks of intensity and unpredictability. †¨ * Need to release energy, often in sudden, apparently meaningless outbursts of activity. * Seek to become increasingly independent, searching for adult identity and acceptance. * Are increasingly concerned about peer acceptance. * Tend to be self-conscious, lacking in self-esteem, and highly sensitive to criticism. * Exhibit intense concern about physical growth and maturity as profound physical changes occur. * Increasingly behave in ways associated with their gender as gender role identification strengthens. * Are concerned with many major societal issues as personal value systems develop. * Believe that their personal problems, feelings, and experiences are unique to them.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Lumpkin Plumbing Essay

Lumpkin experienced a steady increase in sales since it began 1990 and has recently expanded inventories to accommodate a relatively larger sales increase. Richard Lumpkin borrowed $150,000 to expand the warehouse to hold more inventories and include a model to attract retail sales. The expansion will benefit the company as long as inventories are managed well and the increase in production does not harm profit margins. Lumpkin Plumbing projected figures for the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flows for 2000. Lumpkin anticipated growth for the 2000 year but underestimated the increase in total assets and liabilities by 47. 37%. Lumpkin also projected a 20% increase in sales and realized an actual increase of 63. 15%. Though the company underestimated the sales increase, it was able to manage costs and increase net income 63. 42%. If Lumpkin can maintain its’ profit margin and take advantage of increased demand then the expansion would be beneficial to the health of the company. Lumpkin is managing the expansion and should be able to make its loan repayments of $50,000 per year. Lumpkin also underestimated the growth of its inventories and accounts payable. Inventories at Lumpkin increased 89. 39% though the increase was projected at 10. 48%. Lumpkin had $628,800 in inventories at the end of 2000 which raises concern for the liquidity of the company. Accounts payable projections were also off, with a projected decrease of $2,000 and an actual increase of $216,400. The increase in accounts payable is partly due to the extension of A/P days from 10. 40 to 45. 10 from 1999 to 2000. The extreme A/P could be from inventory costs and also account for the large increase in inventory holdings. Lumpkin could be planning for an increase in sales growth and hold inventories to meet the demand. Even if the discrepancies between the projected and actual figures for the inventories and A/P are explained by increases in sales, these should have been accounted for in the projections and should not have been so dramatically different. Lumpkin Plumbing effectively used the loan to grow the company and is in fair financial health to repay the loans. Though the company has met the increased demand and managed operating costs, the difference in some projections raises reasons for concern. If Lumpkin is not able to forecast financial conditions accurately, the financial future of the company is uncertain, increasing its default risk. I recommend Lumpkin Plumbing be considered for future loans after financial statements are analyzed repayment of the current loan is complete.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Downriver Gynecology Environmental Assessment - 785 Words

Downriver Gynecology builds an environmental assessment to effectively improve our standing in the community. The environmental analysis is used by marketers to calculate the financial influences that will guarantee that the worth of what is being used in the activity is increased in return, the political influences that may influence functioning of, or the selections for the progression of the organization also the social factors which are the demographic changes (as people move around to look for jobs), and movements in the way people live, work, and think. As well as cultural influences, the differentiated populations how they will influence the business, whether the neighborhood’s is ready to attack new and old problems, and the enthusiasm to learn about the new technology. The population estimated at 1,775,273 in 2013, has declined significantly in that the estimated number in 2012, and is now at -2.5 percentage wise. The unemployment rate has decreased and it is at 7.5% (Economic Research, 2014) and the population is shrinking because of those residents who move out of their homes and move to other cities to look for jobs (United States Census Bureau, 2014). That makes it hard when we lose clients to job migration. However when people move out there will always be people moving in and then we can start. Marketing, you can find us in the career section of the Detroit News and Free Press, also online at the Career, the, the Job Fairs, and the