Saturday, May 23, 2020

Analysis of a Biography By Karen Armstrong Free Essay Example, 1250 words

By their exegesis, they put the Bible into life, in the process, functioning as prophets. Consequently, it was not particularly odd that Christians develop this custom when they made imaginative applications of Torah in discovering innovative significance in the sacred texts, reinterpreting them by way of their knowledge of Jesus and the early Christians. The obliteration of the second place of worship started an outbreak of scripts among Christians, at the same time as the exile had made among Jews, and by halfway through the second century almost all the New Testament books had been inscribed. For these Christians, the existence of Jesus could only be experienced in the study of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (Driller, 2008). In the examination after the second-temple exegesis of Judaism, Armstrong places importance on the ease of studying the Bible. Midrash had to be directed by sympathy; realistic piousness was acceptable with the Torah study for Jews in the late Roman Empire. The Bible was, therefore open, as said by Armstrong, and rabbis educated their students of the perpetuity of God s word and the descent of God s spirit when the Bible is studied together. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of a Biography By Karen Armstrong or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Her book illustrates that even as Reformists and present booklovers struggled to reclaim the original sense of the Bible, unconsciously they are permitting the Holy Bible to breathe new life and vision into the Christian population.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How Permanently End Procrastination - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1500 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Procrastination Essay Did you like this example? Do you identify with any of these common behaviors? Do you usually start your work with the easier tasks rather than the more difficult ones? Do you tend to choose pleasurable activities over more important activities? How about performing a series of less valuable activities, just so you wont have to start what youre really supposed to be doing? Ever do this? If you find yourself indulging in such behaviors, then you, as so many other people, are procrastinating. Procrastination is the habit of putting off the completion of tasks. However, take comfort: You are not alone! Facts: Get stats external links Procrastination is very common problem in our society. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Permanently End Procrastination" essay for you Create order Procrastination breeds stress. What you will learn in this post: How procrastination causes stress Say this w/statistics, like Stuart does subtle forms of procrastination you might not notice What are the real reasons people/you procrastinate? Three proven techniques you can use to permanently end procrastination How does procrastination cause stress? Procrastination is a common, even pervasive, source of stress in contemporary society. Why? So, you relax for a while. You do what you like. Isnt relaxation the opposite of stress? Its the consequences, my friend. The consequences. Think about when you decided, Ill do that later. Right now, Im going to do something I like. You knew you had to get it done. Yet you kept putting it off in favor of a preferred task. Then, uh-oh deadline coming up! Stress building! All these putting off activities are avoidance behaviors indulging in alternatives you prefer, in lieu of what you know you should do. Procrastination causes delays, often resulting in tension and worry. It often forces people to cram at the last minute. Cramming is a high-adrenaline state that leads to even more stress. Find those other reasons it causes stress external link So, procrastination is known as a stressor. Did you know? Ive heard that 99% of the time, people feel regret after they have procrastinated. True or not, nevertheless, procrastinating leaves people less time to complete what they should have started earlier. The procrastinator can even get into a bind with meeting a deadline. The sneaky thing about procrastinating is that you may be satisfied and happy while youre avoiding the task. The downside emerges as the deadlines close in. This the time of the reality check and regret. The procrastinator has already spent most of the available time he had. Put into a frame: Why Put Off Today What You Will Regret Tomorrow? Why do people procrastinate? Why do intelligent people bring this stress upon themselves? If we want to beat the habit procrastination, we have to understand why people habitually resort to procrastination in the first place: Discomfort Discomfort may be mental, emotional, or physical. Can we agree on this: Any valuable endeavor or activity is likely to involve some level of discomfort? Getting out of our comfort zone exerting effort and expending energy is usually necessary to produce a meaningful outcome. A very low threshold for discomfort can cause a person to procrastinate, just to delay that experience. A low threshold for discomfort is a common reason for putting off activities. Remedy: Become aware. When you know how your mind is operating, you are in control and direct yourself to your best behaviors. But did you know? Most of the time, people are unaware of their threshold for discomfort. At the unconscious level, they the desire to avoid discomfort drives their choice. So if itrs unconscious, we have to go deep to eliminate it. 2. Fear of a Fiasco Some adults are so afraid of failing they will postpone an activity that is, procrastinate, for as long as they possibly can. A scary experience! When a person is afraid of failure, he may envision the worst possible outcome. The thought of falling short of his standard of achievement, accompanied by a whole array of mental and emotional discomforts, becomes an excuse for procrastinating.A general fear of failure often goes hand-in-hand with perfectionism. An individuals who believes his work must be absolutely perfect, is more likely to procrastinate. Remedy: Certainly, you want to do your best. But understand that creative people are rarely 100% satisfied with their work. For example, artists whether musical, visual, or even literary know their work could always be better in some way. Even the audience may differ in opinion. Letrs remember the adage, Perfectionism is in the eye of the beholder. Do your best during the allotted time and accept it. Fear of Rejection and/or Censure There are some situations where a fully capable adult becomes hesitant to do something because he feels someone, most like an authority figure, will disapprove of his actions. This fear is rooted in the belief that other peoplers valuations are much more important than oners self-valuation. For example, a person who has wanted to learn to play guitar may procrastinate indefinitely because he feels other people think he has no sense of pitch or rhythm. A famous musical couple, A legendary opera singer, Joan Sutherland, and her famous conductor husband, Sir John Barbarolli, managed to perform together though he knew she had a poor sense of pitch. They worked around it and corrected it. Refusal to Do Something When a person feels he is undertaking a task unfairly assigned to him, he will likely avoid it as long as possible. Yet, as the inevitable deadline approaches, frustration and anger are likely to set in. The mental resistance to the task, along with the time squeeze to get it done, naturally lead to a higher stress level. Remedy: Deal with the unfairness directly or else, bite the bullet: Do the task and move on. All these avoidance behaviors and attitudes are self-defeating. They are just habits. The good news is that we can change habits. Read on to learn how.Essential Tips to Permanently End Procrastination If one or more of the reasons stated above applies to you, know that they are all just mental states. That means you can consciously override them in favor of more positive and productive behavior. Solutions that work: You can begin to override the tendency to procrastinate by following these steps. Essential Tip #1: Dont Over-think Over-thinking something is never a good choice. It often goes along with perfectionism. You are cycling the same thoughts in your mind, round and round to come up with the perfect plan. This is exhausting and it postpones any type of action. Instead of repeatedly thinking about doing something, Just Do It! Nikers immortal slogan is the perfect motto for procrastination! This helps with Fear of Fiasco and Fear of Rejection. I can recall when I would sit, staring into space, pondering with pencil in hand how to begin a letter or report. Just couldnt come up with those elusive opening words. Then came the great motivator: Deadline pressure. I just started right in writing about what I knew I wanted to communicate. I decided the opening and any other revisions could come later. And thatrs exactly what happened. Try it: Just get going with what you know you can do. Essential Tip #2: Adjust Your Mindset If you identify at all with the procrastination we discussed earlier, you probably want to delay the discomfort of tension of doing the task. You just dont like what you have to do. While youre procrastinating, tell yourself this: Im not freeing myself of any discomfort. Im just prolonging the discomfort! Thats what procrastinating is: prolonging the discomfort. You know all those things you have to do will be still be lingering in your mind, weighing you down. So, just go to it and get it done so you can lighten up! This helps with Refusal b/c unfair. Essential Tip #3: Plan Ahead Are you worried or anxious about the outcome or your task? You can erase uneasiness and any doubts with this tried true strategy: Create an Action Plan. Consider preparing your Action Plan on paper rather than on a digital device. The physical act of writing helps to dissipate the tension and to give you a feeling of control. We view things differently when theyre set on paper. Tasks we regarded as formal and tedious appear easier to manage when you write down the exact details. Oh, I just need to do Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 . . . If this works for you, then repeat this process whenever you feel like procrastinating. Say somewhere: Tip: Be aware that you may encounter obstacles or outside interruptions that could curtail the time you estimated for completion of the task. In this part of our series, Permanently Ending Procrastination, we have focused on the forms of procrastination and the reasons people allow this setback in lives. We also shared three tips to re-orient your mind to moving forward. Continue now to Part 2 to learn six practical steps to stop this self-defeating habit. Apply these and, in no time, you will be permanently ending procrastination!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethical Business Dilema Free Essays

Ethical Dilemma Analysis through the 8 questions model by Arthur Dobrin Case 1 – Rental Applicant 1. Facts †¢African-American applicant †¢Stable work history †¢More than enough income to cover the rent †¢Good references from their previous landlord †¢A couple with one young son (Family) †¢Before applicants accepted, rental agent should have done a background check as a standard procedure. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Business Dilema or any similar topic only for you Order Now Facts we don’t know †¢Verifications of facts – conduct a cross check oWhether or not the facts provided by the applicant are true ? Income – Salary Statement ?References from landlord – Written letter/call Work History – Stable/Unstable work experience †¢Applicants behavior/habit – past rental history oWhether or not they like to break lease or skip town – leave an unpaid rent †¢The reason for postponing the application oWhat does Kate mean by saying â€Å"in my experience†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ whether it’s actually because of her experience dealing with application or racial discrimination. 3. Facts Interpretation †¢Stable work history ? stable – whether they have work long time or not (cross-check credential) †¢A family more likely to be more settled in one place compare to single status individual. A good reference from previous landlord means that the applicant has a good record of being a good tena nt. †¢Have more than enough income means that the applicant has the capability to fulfill its obligation of paying the rent. 4. Walk in another’s shoes (problem viewed from others that involved) †¢Kate might give a stereotype view of the African-American applicant 5. Consequences †¢If we don’t take them : oWe might lose a good tenant oWe might lose our business opportunity oWe might build a strict image to prospective customer †¢If we take them : oThere’s a possibility that we end up having a default rent 6. Feelings †¢Megan Perspective : â€Å"Look very good† for their application †¢Kate Perspective : â€Å"Don’t rush their application† – having negative perception †¢Our Perspective : According to our feeling and in combination with the facts given (provided it is true), plus we can also try to determine based on the intuition from the body language given by the applicant, most likely we will accept the applicant. 7. Conscience †¢Yes ? Provided the documents are true. †¢No ? Provided the documents are false. Verification whether the documents are true or false can be done by cross-checking the credential and/or validating the facts. . Explanation and Justification †¢In making decision, it should not be based on personal needs/views or simply intuition/feelings, it should also be based on neutral judgment from the facts given and validation. Given the normal standard procedure that needs to be fulfilled from the background check o f the applicant and by checking thoroughly throughout the facts, the rental agents should be able to make a decision. Case 2 – Sabotage: Menu Not serving the interest of customers fully (by pushing other menu instead). By using healthy food as a bait strategy to attract customers, according to ‘Dave’. . Facts †¢Food is healthy, but the quantity is limited. †¢Coming up with a new menu. †¢Huge expenditure on advertisement. 2. Facts we don’t know †¢Whether the food which is ‘healthy’ is actually healthy. †¢Assumption whether this strategy will last for a long time. †¢Whether or not people will buy fast food even though the menu is being pushed. 3. Facts Interpretation †¢New ‘healthy’ menu was launched by the company to response the public pressure for healthier lunch choices, thus by having new menu, many money involved to train and advertise the new menu. New menu launched priced lower to bring new customers, thus there will be an effect on the company’s profit. †¢The objective of the business is to make money for the shareholders, thus the business need to make profit. Hence, most likely agency problem would occur, which refers to the ethical dilemma between the shareholder interest and the CEO interest. †¢Dave, the store manager, wanted the staff to push the ‘upsize’ menu options and ice creams for dessert, which this refers to an issue of sabotage. 4. Walk in another’s shoes (problem viewed from others that involved) †¢According to Carol, the manager is more inclined towards his own profit. According to Dave it is fast to maximize the profit and his own commission. †¢According to customer, they might be cheated into buying unhealthy food. 5. Consequences †¢By agreeing to Dave, the profit might be higher in the short term, whereas by going against Dave, the company might lose out on the profit. But by keeping the reputatio n of the company, it will help in the long-term profitability. †¢She might lose her own position if she does not agree to Dave plan. †¢But if she doesn’t want to lose her job, then most likely she will have her personal issue. 6. Feelings If she agrees to Dave, she will be safe, but if she goes against him, she might lose her job. (personal dilemmas) 7. Conscience †¢In order to save the job, Carol might let her inner conscience take the back seat, because this is cognitive resonance within herself. Her decision will be based on how she feels, whether it is good or bad. 8. Explanation and Justification †¢If ‘yes’, she can say that her boss asked her to do so. †¢If she says ‘no’, she can say her inner conscience didn’t allow her and in the long run, it won’t be beneficial to the consumer and the company. How to cite Ethical Business Dilema, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Essential Theories Of Motivation Leadership †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Essential Theories Motivation Leadership? Answer: Introducation Efficiency has played a pivotal role in human life with respect to the increasing and developing the economic circumstances. It is a critical fact that people own numerous talents, hidden abilities and potentials. These are required for the people to prove their efficiency at workplace and be successful. So, it can be argued that the people who do not have these abilities remain backward. To categorize according to the priorities, motivation can be counted in the first as it important for disclosing several known and unknown talents and powers in the most efficient way (Bolino et al. 2013). To have an impact of this talent the managers use certain motivational techniques in an organization to develop the hidden skills in an employee. These skills increase the efficacy of the employees which is beneficial for them in their social life and other enterprises. If the employees can practice these motivational techniques provided by their managers then they will be able to meet up to their expected outcome. According to DuBrin 2013, in this world, conjunctions such as the changes and advancements at the global and regional level are growing in an interesting way. But the fact that can be argued here is that the rapid growth and development not only has a positive impact on the organization but also affects in a negative way. To maintain with the negativities the organization needs to be driven by strong and decisive managers who will be able to assess the process well. As per the article, the techniques that are used by the managers for motivation purposes increase the efficiency of the employees in the workplace. Efficiency is undoubtedly the most important factor which has an impact on the success of the employee as well as the organization both in a positive and negative way. Efficiency is the most important factor and extremely valuable for enterprises. It is the indicator of the degree of success and the stability of an enterprise. Although the ever- changing environment provides i nnumerable scope for the organization yet there arises some crisis sometimes. It is recommended for the enterprise to make effective use of the opportunities which arises in the critical situation, and using the potential skills and resources should be able to reduce the risk with a minimum loss (Gelfand et al. 2017). The notion of efficiency can be measured and described almost in each and every socioeconomic system as it is the potential to produce. In the contemporary era of increasing competition, the organization should have a competitive advantage over others by making use of efficiency. High efficiency can be seen as a big challenge and the organization must be able to achieve that in any possible way. Efficiency either in micro or macro economy, is critical in various ways. It can be seen that the definition is not derived by any consensus but vary in many forms. The technological component should be equipped with integrity along with the organizational goal. The important part that should be taken into consideration is the situation of transportation, procuring raw materials, the economic structure of the place where the investment takes place, the national and international market scenario of the product that will be produced and the intra- business efficiency (Greenberg 2013). Irrespective of the sector, it is absolutely important for the organization to have operational efficiency. It has become the latest style of the people to be efficient in whatever they do. Efficiency can be attained by getting positive feedback which is valued in the social, economic, cultural and other fields. On the other hand it can be stated that efficiency is related to elimination of the prevailing problems, perception and implementing the necessary changes as opportunities by utilizing the resources and keeping the sense of intra- business service quality very high. It should also be taken into consideration that the best possible living conditions of the employees are maintained, by boosting the production by optimum costs, the hard work put for supplying the best living and working conditions for the employees by securing the natural and environment areas. Keeping aside all these factors, when effectiveness is measured, many factors should be kept in mind such as preparing the raw materials for production, using the core and auxiliary products necessary for production, shift timing and schedule of the employees, their salaries, the added value of the product, procurement of the raw materials and the cost of the raw materials which are present in the enterprise (Hildreth and Anderson 2016). The final step, that is, the process of output, takes place in the flawless and unrepeated production with the proper utilization of the skills of the enterprise. It can be argued at this juncture that, in case of efficiency, the connection between the input and the products are used for production. Efficiency is explained as the prevailing correlation between the attained products and the raw materials required for producing that attained product in the facility of production, necessary equipments, workforce, labor, capital and energy and a balanced using of the resources and the services. Thus, efficiency is, the appropriate utilization of the by combining the capital with technology and thus achieving the high level of the workforce labor and making the prudential investment for a place. It can be considered as the utilization of the factors such as resources, goods and services, raw material, labor, machines and equipments, capital, property, energy and material (Hoch and Kozlowski 2014). There can be many defects in the efficiency factor. It is calculated as the ratio of the incomes that is gained by production and service to the applied costs in that sector. Thus, it can be summed up as the ratio of the total revenue acquired after the sales of the product that was produced to the cost of production. It is the process of enhancing the sales by decreasing the prices to an optimum level due to the two factors of making more production in comparison to others and gaining high efficiency. But the fact is that if the dialogue between the employer and the employee is maximized, the employee agents will be improved in the organization which will further improve the relationship between the manager and the wage- owner (Hogg and Terry 2014). This effective relationship will have an impact on the intra- organizational efficiency by making successful production. The process of intra- organizational efficiency is gaining momentum and the production is gaining profit because of the investment which began by making production. The modern economic efficiency can, thus, be justified as the significance put in the years which was increased by the capital investments and thus, began the rising of life. It is feasible to describe the importance of efficiency by from various perspectives. In todays modern world of competitiveness, efficiency can be directly tallied with the organization and the containing human factors. It is important from every aspect of employees, managers, organization and also the community. In fact, employees are the most essential elements which have an impact on the enterprise. The other elements of efficiency, effect, benefit, productiveness are useless despite their significance, if the employees do not use them. This can lead to the problem of supplying of efficiency (Luthans, Luthans and Luthans 2015). Therefore, the role of the employees inside the enterprise remains the same. But, at the same time it is possible to distinguish the factors which affect the efficiency in two classifi cations- intra- business and extra- business. The intra business factors can be sorted as that affect the efficiency such as the system and structure of the organization, factory, machines and equipments. The extra business factors can be sorted as that affects the efficiency such as energy and equipment, business practice, technology and management approach. The causes of the reduction in efficiency in an enterprise are several. Unhealthy and unsafe working environment can be considered as one of them (Miner 2015). Unfavorable relations with the managers are another essential factor which gives scope to the organization to reach to the targeted goals and objectives. Negative relations between the colleagues do not provide a suitable working environment for the employees. So, it is required by the management of the organization to let the employees work peacefully and in harmony which will reduce the deficiency in each other. Another factor which can be taken into consideration is low motivation. It not only results in negativity of the employees productivity but also create unwillingness on the part of the employees to bring a task forward. Therefore, low motivation is directly proportional to low productivity (Pinder 2014). Low payment, on the other hand, leads to negative productivity on the part of the employees. Payment is of great s ignificance when it comes to maintain the satisfaction level of the employees in the organization. Employees can be retained if their effort can match up to the payment they are receiving. Low payment de- motivates the employees which in turn are related to low productivity on the part of the organization. Reference Bolino, M.C., Klotz, A.C., Turnley, W.H. and Harvey, J., 2013. Exploring the dark side of organizational citizenship behavior.Journal of Organizational Behavior,34(4), pp.542-559. DuBrin, A.J., 2013.Fundamentals of organizational behavior: An applied perspective. Elsevier. Gelfand, M.J., Aycan, Z., Erez, M. and Leung, K., 2017. Cross-cultural industrial organizational psychology and organizational behavior: A hundred-year journey.Journal of Applied Psychology,102(3), p.514. Greenberg, J. ed., 2013.Organizational behavior: The state of the science. Routledge. Hildreth, J.A.D. and Anderson, C., 2016. Failure at the top: How power undermines collaborative performance.Journal of personality and social psychology,110(2), p.261. Hoch, J.E. and Kozlowski, S.W., 2014. Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership.Journal of applied psychology,99(3), p.390. Hogg, M.A. and Terry, D.J. eds., 2014.Social identity processes in organizational contexts. Psychology Press. Luthans, F., Luthans, B.C. and Luthans, K.W., 2015.Organizational behavior: An evidence-based approach. IAP. Miner, J.B., 2015.Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Pinder, C.C., 2014.Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press. Spence, G.B. and Deci, E.L., 2013. Self?determination theory within coaching contexts: Supporting motives and goals that promote optimal functioning and well?being.Beyond goals: Effective strategies for coaching and mentoring, pp.85-108. Wagner III, J.A. and Hollenbeck, J.R., 2014.Organizational behavior: Securing competitive advantage. Routledge.